Reducing our carbon footprint – Eldoret Chapter

ESG (Environment, Social Governance) reporting is becoming a part of our business norm and we are seeking to more than just simply ‘comply’ to the guidelines, we actually want to amplify the ‘E’ in ESG. Through our annual tree planting event scheduled for 24th of November in Eldoret we hope to reduce our carbon foot print. What Is a Carbon Foot print? This is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community. Our carbon footprint has a negative impact on the environment in multiple ways: It is the main cause of human-induced climate change, it contributes to urban air pollution, it leads to toxic acid rain, it adds to coastal and ocean acidification, and it worsens the melting of glaciers and polar ice. Therefore, as a business we cannot continue to stand on the sidelines as the government and other stakeholders seek to protect natural resources, both for the future of humanity and business. We shall endeavor to be a company that is a good steward of the natural and physical environment. We urge likeminded organizations and partners to join us in our quest to contribute to the reduction of our carbon foot print through this tree planting event. We thank our sponsors including County Government of Uasin Gishu, Kenya Forest Service, Generic Pharmaceuticals, Europa and Sunpar pharmaceuticals, AAR Insurance Kenya, Scan Lab and Comply Limited. See you in Eldoret on the 24thNovember 2022 starting at 9.00am at Kapseret forest !!